NEJE_V4.7.exe - 2019.11.15(increase positioning function. NEJE_V5.2.exe - 2020.6.12-Optimize positioning function, optimize software experience, fix a little bug. Step2: DownLoad windows software ( Select the latest software Download ): Software: NEJE Controller for windows, NEJE Controller for mac, NEJE Scanner for Android. System Require: win xp SP3, win7 win8, win10Įngraving material: wood, gray paper card, non-transparent plastic, leather, paint pcba, etc.( flat, opaque and can be burned black) Engraving size: 490pxx490px (0.075mm Dot Pitch) System: Win 7 8 10, Mac OS. Use image engraving, not suitable for professional players The third generation version will support both NEJE control software and GRBL control software. This product is not a grbl open source solution, it is a firmware and software developed by neje itself.
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